"A Lady writing a Letter with her Maid" - Jan Vermeer

Most of the elements in this paintings are folded and they are all fabric.
Thus, I developed my narrative to : A fashion designer is experimenting the texture of fabric by folding it .
The main focus is on fabric and folding.



Axonometric drawing
Materials used in the model:
-white cardboard
-balsa wood
-foamcore (base)

The whole form is like a fabric being folded.

Big openings near the working space to allow more sunlight to come through and fewer skylights on the roof since the shadows might be distracting to the designer when she is working. Thus, there are more skylights on the 'thinking space' for getting more inspirations and fewer on the 'working spcae'.

The 'threads' on the roof provide the enclosure and feeling of privacy to the fashion designer.

Light passes through the skylights and cast some interesting shadows which is like the pattern of fabric on the floor.