Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Electroliquid Aggregation:
We can change the world into a better place when we are willing to share what we have.
Jane Goodall:
We have a choice to use the gift of our lives to make the world a better place.
Florence Nightingale:
How very little can be done under the spirit of fear.
meeting point

Florence Nightingale's lab
Since Nightingale was a nurse, she took care of the soldiers all the time, I try to use a warm colour tone to create a place that is safe and warm.

Jane Goodall's lab
Since Goodall works with animals and has a connection with the natural environment, I use blue and green to represent forests and the earth.


Tuesday, April 22, 2008

1-9 : Florence Nightingale

A-I : Jane Goodall

Monday, April 14, 2008

Jane Goodall:
We have a choice to use the gift of our lives to make the world a better place

the Jane Goodall Institute,"Join the Jane goodall Institute Today" http://www.janegoodall.org/

Stephen Hawking:

Equations are just the boring part of mathematics. I attempt to see things in terms of geometry.

Quantin Smith, "Cosmology and Theism."Analysis,vol.54,no.4(Oct.,1994)236

Florence Nightingale:

How very little can be done under the spirit of fear.

Lucy Ridgely Seymer,"Florence Nightingale",review by Jessie B. McNicar, The American Journal of Nursing vol.51,no.11(Nov.,1951)p.48

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

concrete, glass, wood, metal

Piccinini: Nature’s Little Helpers – The Surrogate (For the Northern Hairy Nosed Wombat)It is a sculpture Piccinini made in 2004. She used silicon, fiberglass, leather, plywood and hair to make it. Piccinini designed a group of surrogate creatures to support the endangered indigenous Australian animals. The sketches of these sculptures are about some children playing with the Surrogates and she worked with a large team in their physical construction. The use of silicon, fiberglass and even human hair shows the level of detail, and the wrinkles of skin around the outer elbows have been recreated. The wombat is still hairless and pink which shows that we are endangering their natural habitat and this is Piccinini’s aim to assist the endangered Wombat’s survival.

Nolan: Death of Constable Scanlon
This painting is from the Ned Kelly Series and he used ripolin enamel on the hardboard. Ned Kelly’s head was depicted as a black square and distorted the body. Nolan’s simplified depiction of Ned Kelly in his armour has become an iconic Australian image, and the Kelly legend was also a way got Nolan to paint the Australian landscape in new ways. The painting has rich colours and murky textures. Nolan’s paintings always talk about the stories of Ned Kelly, it has already become the image of Nolan and he has also become a story teller.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

smile ( piccinini )
abstract ( nolan )